Tag: economy


July HANDLS Market Recap: Equities Continue to Run

Equity categories that make up the Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Explore portion of HANDLS Indexes generally outperformed the fixed-income categories, with MLPs leading the way with a 6.4% return for the month.

There’s an Estimated $57 trillion in Household Spending Each Year

Does a $57 trillion theme warrant dedication in an investment portfolio? Absolutely.

The Ripple Effect: CPI Numbers, Rate Hikes, and the Fed’s Stick

In the world of finance and economics, every number, decision, and statement has the potential to create a ripple effect across markets. Today, as we delve into the latest CPI (Consumer Price Index) numbers, we find ourselves at a crucial juncture that will set the tone for upcoming job reports and the next Federal Reserve meeting.

The Ripple Effect: CPI Numbers, Rate Hikes, and the Fed’s Stick

In the world of finance and economics, every number, decision, and statement has the potential to create a ripple effect across markets. Today, as we delve into the latest CPI (Consumer Price Index) numbers, we find ourselves at a crucial juncture that will set the tone for upcoming job reports and the next Federal Reserve meeting.

The Jackrabbit Case: Navigating the Ups and Downs of the Market

When we think about the stock market, we often assume that it moves in a linear fashion. Up or down. However, there are times of uncertainty that the market reacts like a jackrabbit – bouncing up and down, all around.

The Jackrabbit Case: Navigating the Ups and Downs of the Market

When we think about the stock market, we often assume that it moves in a linear fashion. Up or down. However, there are times of uncertainty that the market reacts like a jackrabbit – bouncing up and down, all around.

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Small Cap Catch-Up: Market Reset?

This week marks the beginning of a significant earnings season, with reports expected from several major companies including NFLX, ASML, JNJ, BA, MS, UNH, TSM, and GS.

June Retail Sales Report Leads to More Questions

Today's retail sales release has us scratching our heads. The...

June HANDLS Monthly Report: Summer Heat

The graph and table above provide return data for...

The Fed is Fighting Yesterday’s Problem & Creating Tomorrow’s Economic Challenge

While the first quarter's CPI prints this year were above expectations, one needs to 'look under the hood' to have a better view on inflation (where it was and where it is going).

Monetary Policy Is Increasing The Deficit

Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released their latest ten-year budget projection. Significant deterioration in our fiscal outlook is visible with every release.