Commodity & Infrastructure Insights

Renewables Are Pushing US Electricity Prices Up

In January last year PJM forecast 1.4% annual demand growth for electricity over the next decade. Two months ago, they raised this to 2.4% over their ten-year planning horizon.

Who Do Energy Investors Want In November?

Last week I saw some investors in Florida before joining my partner Henry in Puerto Rico at the national sales conference for Catalyst Funds, our mutual fund partner. The warm, sunny weather and ocean breeze stimulated much useful interaction with clients and salespeople about midstream energy infrastructure. It’s always helpful to hear firsthand the questions and concerns investors voice about what we believe is the most attractive sector in the equity markets today.

Who Do Energy Investors Want In November?

Last week I saw some investors in Florida before joining my partner Henry in Puerto Rico at the national sales conference for Catalyst Funds, our mutual fund partner. The warm, sunny weather and ocean breeze stimulated much useful interaction with clients and salespeople about midstream energy infrastructure. It’s always helpful to hear firsthand the questions and concerns investors voice about what we believe is the most attractive sector in the equity markets today.

Russian Gas Exports Face An Uncertain Recovery

European imports of LNG rose sharply following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two years ago. The US was well positioned to step in and provided virtually all the additional LNG Europe bought. The current pause on new LNG export terminals runs counter to these trade flows, but it’s increasingly clear this policy has few supporters other than some climate extremists.

America is Making Investments in The Right Types of Energy

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released its Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) last week. It confirmed the current trends of increased production, improving mix and declining CO2 emissions.

The Case For Real Assets

Real assets that can raise prices either on commercial terms or because their regulatory framework ensures a minimum return on invested capital can be an effective way to maintain the purchasing power of savings.

To Lose On The Energy Transition Buy Utilities

Income-seeking investors often compare midstream energy infrastructure with utilities. Both own long-lived infrastructure assets dedicated to delivering energy to customers. Both tend to be regarded as yield-generating investments and are subject to considerable regulatory oversight on rate-setting.

US Sets Multiple Energy Records in 2023

When the final energy production figures for 2023 are in, the US will have set numerous records.


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Small Cap Catch-Up: Market Reset?

This week marks the beginning of a significant earnings season, with reports expected from several major companies including NFLX, ASML, JNJ, BA, MS, UNH, TSM, and GS.

June Retail Sales Report Leads to More Questions

Today's retail sales release has us scratching our heads. The...

June HANDLS Monthly Report: Summer Heat

The graph and table above provide return data for...

The Fed is Fighting Yesterday’s Problem & Creating Tomorrow’s Economic Challenge

While the first quarter's CPI prints this year were above expectations, one needs to 'look under the hood' to have a better view on inflation (where it was and where it is going).

Monetary Policy Is Increasing The Deficit

Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released their latest ten-year budget projection. Significant deterioration in our fiscal outlook is visible with every release.