
Market Matters: Nvidia’s Secret Weapon Just Received a Huge Upgrade

Watch Joe Tigay and Brian Stutland, co- portfolio managers of a hedged-equity strategy for Catalyst Funds, discuss the latest in Volatility, Nvidia, CPI and Yields, and much more in the latest edition of Market Matters. 

Gains All Around: March 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

Investors seeking clarity on the future path of inflation and interest rates struggled to find it in March as key economic indictors sent mixed signals. The month kicked off with a strong February jobs report, with the Labor Department reporting that nonfarm payrolls increased by 275,000 for the month (against expectations of 198,000). While the February numbers suggested the economy continues to run hot, downward revisions to the December and January reports reduced the initial estimates for those months by 167,000 jobs and the unemployment rate rose from 3.7% to 3.9% in February.

The Consumer and Consumer Spending Continues to be Stable & Positive

Very Important thesis: If equities generate roughly 8-10% a year over time, leading brands serving the dominant driver of the economy, in theory, should compound at 13%+ over time. We have significant proof on this topic below. For a variety of reasons, the last few years has been difficult for the average stock. Betting against consumption-focused stocks after a below-average 3 years has been a poor investment decision. History is very clear on this topic.

Is the AI Bubble about to Burst?

Market Matters Presented by Miax Exchange group. Options pros Joe Tigay and Brian Stutland talk about the weeks news, the bubble forming in AI, and trade earnings in CRWD Crowdstrike.

Convertibles: Equity Participation with Better Sharpe

Following several years of strong issuance of convertible securities, many investors are digging in to learn more about the unique characteristics of an instrument...

The Fed has a credibility problem.

Volatility experts, financial advisors Brian Stutland and Joe Tigay break down last weeks federal reserves statement coupled with Jerome Powel's interview on 60 minutes. Brian has an earnings trade on Palantir. Joe explains long call spreads in options 101.

Consumer Stocks: The Mean Reversion Opportunity

In theory, a group of leading companies serving a very large and growing market should also be a solid investment opportunity. Testing this theory using a look-back of the actual performance of a basket of leading Consumer Discretionary brands offers some proof to this thesis.

Abrams: PPI Data Shows Continued Disinflation; Rate Cuts Could Be On Deck

January 12, 2024 - Today’s Producer Price Index report supports the notion that inflation has essentially been defeated.  PPI fell to negative headline MoM, 0% core MoM, 1.8% YoY core change, and 1.0% YoY headline change.


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Small Cap Catch-Up: Market Reset?

This week marks the beginning of a significant earnings season, with reports expected from several major companies including NFLX, ASML, JNJ, BA, MS, UNH, TSM, and GS.

June Retail Sales Report Leads to More Questions

Today's retail sales release has us scratching our heads. The...

June HANDLS Monthly Report: Summer Heat

The graph and table above provide return data for...

The Fed is Fighting Yesterday’s Problem & Creating Tomorrow’s Economic Challenge

While the first quarter's CPI prints this year were above expectations, one needs to 'look under the hood' to have a better view on inflation (where it was and where it is going).

Monetary Policy Is Increasing The Deficit

Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released their latest ten-year budget projection. Significant deterioration in our fiscal outlook is visible with every release.