Tag: consumer trends


A Consumer Health Update

The longer the prices of everything we consumer regularly, stays elevated; the more discerning consumers will be regarding spending.

Tracking the Brands & Trends Younger Generations Love Offers Great Insights for Investors

Younger consumers create long-term trends. The brands they love are a key focus for our team.

Powerful Demographic Trends Can Drive Secular Portfolio Performance

Roughly 4 billion Millennials and Gen-Z globally offer massive tailwinds to certain brands.

Powerful Demographic Trends Can Drive Secular Portfolio Performance

Roughly 4 billion Millennials and Gen-Z globally offer massive tailwinds to certain brands.

Consumer Spending is Mean Reverting Back to Long-Term Trend

When consumers were locked in their homes and shopping online, savings rates and goods spending went parabolic. When things go parabolic, they should be expected to mean revert to the long-term trend over time. That’s exactly what has happened with Retail Sales and the components within this $7 trillion per year component of GDP.

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Monetary Policy Is Increasing The Deficit

Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released their latest ten-year budget projection. Significant deterioration in our fiscal outlook is visible with every release.

Is it time to carve off some capital from todays most crowded trades?

The longer the period one gets rewarded, the less risky we feel the investment becomes. Risk happens slowly and then all at once.

Trading Zone: Massive rebalancing in the Tech Sector

This week on the Trading Zone, we explore the complexities of volatility as we approach the upcoming presidential election and also the massive rebalancing in the tech center following the Nvidia hit this past week.

Is the 60/40 Portfolio Dead? Exploring Alternatives for Smarter Asset Allocation

For a long time, the 60/40 portfolio was the cornerstone of financial planning for advisors. This simple strategy, allocating 60% to stocks and 40% to bonds, offered a balance between growth potential and stability. However, recent market trends are challenging the effectiveness of this traditional approach.

How Strong or Weak is the Consumer Halfway Through 2024?

Mean reversion is one of the most powerful and predictable phenomena inside markets.