
Chart of the Week: US Household Debt Amount vs US Household Debt Percent of GDP

US Household Debt Amount vs US Household Debt Percent of GDP

#MacroView: Deficit Deniers & 40-Years Of Economic Erosion

After 40-years of economic erosion, there are still deficit deniers. The belief that debt and deficits “don’t matter” primarily stems from the basis the economy hasn’t collapsed and become a historical equivalent of Weimer, Germany. However, the rather elementary view fails to distinguish that dropping a frog into boiling water or slowly bringing the water to a boil equates to the same outcome. That latter just takes longer to get there.

#MacroView: Deficit Deniers & 40-Years Of Economic Erosion

After 40-years of economic erosion, there are still deficit deniers. The belief that debt and deficits “don’t matter” primarily stems from the basis the economy hasn’t collapsed and become a historical equivalent of Weimer, Germany. However, the rather elementary view fails to distinguish that dropping a frog into boiling water or slowly bringing the water to a boil equates to the same outcome. That latter just takes longer to get there.

Chart of the Week: 30-year Mortgage Rate vs. Existing Home Sales

30-year Mortgage Rate vs. Existing Home Sales

Chart of the Week: 30-year Mortgage Rate vs. Existing Home Sales

30-year Mortgage Rate vs. Existing Home Sales

What’s Wrong With Gold? Absolutely, Nothing.

Gold. What’s wrong with it? From spiking inflation, falling real interest rates, and massive money printing, it seems logical that gold, a touted inflation hedge, should be rising. Yet, so far this year, gold has done little.

Return Stacking: Strategies for Overcoming a Low Return Environment

Stretched valuations in many stock and bond markets are challenging investors to look farther afield to meet investor return targets. Many investors find themselves recommending portfolios that are uncomfortably far out along the risk curve, stretching for higher yields and increasing pro-cyclical asset exposure.

Chart of the Week: 20 Month Performance of the S&P 500 TR Index After a Recession

20 Month Performance of the S&P 500 TR Index After a Recession


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