Darren Kottle, Portfolio Manager

Darren J. Kottle, CFA is the Chief Investment Officer of Caddo Capital Management LLC, sub-advisor to an alternative/hedged strategy at Catalyst Funds. Mr. Kottle is a 20+-year veteran in the alternative investments space. Prior to founding Caddo, he held senior roles in trading at Citigroup and Merrill Lynch. Mr. Kottle graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University, while assisting in research for Nobel-prize winning economist Dr. Kenneth Arrow.

Creating a More Efficient Tail Risk Hedge Strategy

Since stocks began their massive rebound from the Global Financial Crisis in 2009, and particularly the years between 2016 and 2018, equity declines have been so sudden and limited that long-term trend following has not had enough time to re-position effectively.

Creating a More Efficient Tail Risk Hedge Strategy

Since stocks began their massive rebound from the Global Financial Crisis in 2009, and particularly the years between 2016 and 2018, equity declines have been so sudden and limited that long-term trend following has not had enough time to re-position effectively.

Improving an Investor’s Managed Futures Strategy

There’s no denying that managed futures mutual funds have underwhelmed recently. There are two major reasons for this recent performance...

Improving an Investor’s Managed Futures Strategy

There’s no denying that managed futures mutual funds have underwhelmed recently. There are two major reasons for this recent performance...

Boosting Managed Futures Returns: Putting Cash to Work

The beginning of the 21st century in investing has witnessed two significant market crashes, including the tech bubble crash and the Great Financial Crisis in 2008. It should surprise no one that up until March 2009, managed futures trounced the returns of both stocks and bonds.

Search for Yield: Opportunities and Pitfalls in Bonds

Investors have faced a near constant barrage of headlines about the U.S. Treasury curve. The spread between 2-year and 10-year Treasury notes has been negative, and at the time of writing this, it’s only barely positive. This undoubtedly leaves us with questions like: Does this mean a recession is imminent?

Generating Returns above U.S. Core Aggregate Bonds: Overweighting Mortgage Credit with a Tactical Overlay

Since the start of 2012, traditional 60/40 stock and bond portfolios have fared extremely well. That said, I think it’s natural for investors to lump stocks and bonds together, especially when looking at portfolio performance.

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Small Cap Catch-Up: Market Reset?

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The Fed is Fighting Yesterday’s Problem & Creating Tomorrow’s Economic Challenge

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Monetary Policy Is Increasing The Deficit

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