Time to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

When it comes to investing, would you rather be comfortable, or successful?


When your clients think about risk they most often recall or imagine losing money or enduring volatile markets. You, as an advisor, however, have to widen your perspective on risk to include your clients’ feelings about their investments, and the potential decisions they may make as a result.

Your clients’ greatest risk is the probability they won’t meet their financial goals – it rests upon you, their advisor, to minimize this risk. How do you do that? What actions, what decisions, what conversations are required in order for you, as an advisor, to minimize the possibility that your clients won’t achieve their objectives?

Here, in this podcast episode, we take a deep dive into this dilemma, which may change some of your perspectives about how to tackle market risks as well as the key risk facing your clients and by proxy you, and to shed some light on how to overcome and succeed.

Podcast series re-posted with permission from Resolve Asset Management.  Click here to see the original post.