Adam Butler, CFA, CAIA

Adam Butler is Chief Investment Officer of ReSolve Asset Management, sub-advisor to an alternative allocation strategy at Rational Funds. He manages ETF and futures based strategies including a global risk parity ETF, two Adaptive Asset Allocation funds, and a multi-strategy hedge fund. Adam is also author of the book Adaptive Asset Allocation: Dynamic Global Portfolios to Profit in Good Times and is ranked in the top 1% of authors by paper downloads on SSRN. He has authored over a dozen papers and dozens of articles on asset allocation; factor investing; quantitative methods; and portfolio optimization. Adam holds both CFA and CAIA charters and appears on BNN Bloomberg and CNBC.

ReSolve Riffs: Unveiling the Future of Active Management and ETFs – Jack Shannon

In this episode, we are joined by Jack Shannon, Senior Analyst at Morningstar, to discuss the dynamics of active equity management, portfolio construction, and the importance of downside protection in long-term investment success. Jack shares his insights on various topics, including:

ReSolve Riffs: Unveiling the Future of Active Management and ETFs – Jack Shannon

In this episode, we are joined by Jack Shannon, Senior Analyst at Morningstar, to discuss the dynamics of active equity management, portfolio construction, and the importance of downside protection in long-term investment success. Jack shares his insights on various topics, including:

Chris Schindler: Hedge Fund Sorcerer Schindler Shares Secrets from his Spellbook

Join Chris Schindler, a seasoned quantitative hedge fund manager, as he delves into the intricacies of portfolio construction for the future, highlighting challenges in benchmarking and changing market dynamics.

ReSolve Riffs with Doomberg on Peeling the Layers and Unpacking the Facts Behind Headlines

In this episode, the Doomberg team explores the complexities of energy policy, market dynamics, and innovative solutions for a decarbonized and sustainable future.

ReSolve Riffs: Swiss Banking and Capital Structure Debacle with Brian Moriarty and Dave Nadig

In this episode, the ReSolve team is joined by Brian Moriarty, Associate Director of Fixed Income at Morningstar Research Services, and Dave Nadig, Chief Futurist at VettaFi Financial, to discuss the recent demise of Credit Suisse and the complexities of capital structure in banks.

From All-Weather to All-Terrain Investing for the Stormy Decade Ahead

The endowment portfolio characterized by 60 percent in stocks and 40 percent in bonds has thrived over the past four decades, but sustained high inflation has the potential to lower returns and increase volatility in the years ahead. This has prompted an interest in All-Weather portfolios, which combine stocks and bonds with assets like commodities that may respond more favourably to inflation. This article explores how the addition of specific liquid alternative strategies produces an “All-Terrain” portfolio with the potential for improved long-term performance across a wider range of market environments.

From All-Weather to All-Terrain Investing for the Stormy Decade Ahead

The endowment portfolio characterized by 60 percent in stocks and 40 percent in bonds has thrived over the past four decades, but sustained high inflation has the potential to lower returns and increase volatility in the years ahead. This has prompted an interest in All-Weather portfolios, which combine stocks and bonds with assets like commodities that may respond more favourably to inflation. This article explores how the addition of specific liquid alternative strategies produces an “All-Terrain” portfolio with the potential for improved long-term performance across a wider range of market environments.

ReSolve Riffs: Mutineer Jason Buck on All Weather and Cockroach Portfolios for the Long Run

This week we welcomed back our good friend Jason Buck (founder and CIO of Mutiny Fund) for the final episode before the summer break. Our conversation included:

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