Tag: outlook


The Case For Real Assets

Real assets that can raise prices either on commercial terms or because their regulatory framework ensures a minimum return on invested capital can be an effective way to maintain the purchasing power of savings.

Consumer Stocks: The Mean Reversion Opportunity

In theory, a group of leading companies serving a very large and growing market should also be a solid investment opportunity. Testing this theory using a look-back of the actual performance of a basket of leading Consumer Discretionary brands offers some proof to this thesis.

Consensus Views for 2024: Where are the Opportunities?

Investors are still neutral on opportunities for risk taking in 2024.

Consensus Views for 2024: Where are the Opportunities?

Investors are still neutral on opportunities for risk taking in 2024.

The Consumer in 2024: Steady as She Goes

As we begin 2024, the state of the consumer is a great place to start. As dedicated consumer spending-focused investors, the state of the consumer is an important variable to understand.

Recession Alarms Ring: Housing, Jobs Forecast 2024 Economic Storm!

As we welcome in the new year of 2024, the inevitability of an economic downturn lingers on the horizon. The question isn’t if a recession will materialize, but rather when its shadow will cast itself upon us.

Heading Into 2024: There’s Still Plenty of Room for Recovery in Stocks & Great Brands

Sometimes, investors over-complicate the investment process. It’s important to remember to start with the long-term returns shown by markets and compare them to the shorter-term experience.

Abrams: PPI and CPI Data Releases Show We’ve Essentially Reached Fed’s Target

The producer price index (PPI) release, which generally reflects wholesale prices, which ultimately feed into consumer prices, was below estimates on all fronts this morning (including core).

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A Summer Surge: August 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

After a challenging July that saw investors sell off high-flying technology stocks, buyers returned to the market in August, bidding up risk assets across the board.

Where are the Hidden Risks in Your Portfolio Currently? Plus, an idea.

Allocators add new exposures for a variety of reasons; diversification, returns, risk mitigation, etc. Understanding this, what is the most over-owned and expensive sector today?

Consumer Spending: Are Consumers Tapped Out or Pushing Back?

Consumer Spending: Are Consumers Tapped Out or Pushing Back?  Key...

Knocked Down Inflation: July 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

After a red-hot June built on expectations that the Federal Reserve may succeed at killing inflation without killing the economy, July saw investors begin to question the soft-landing narrative.

Carry Traders Get Carried Out

It looks like a big margin call started in Japan. The Japanese Yen has become a funding currency in recent years, a source of cheap financing with the proceeds reinvested in better returning assets – such as US$ listed AI stocks.