Tag: markets


Trade Talks: Brian Stutland Featured on NASDAQ’s News Program

Volatility indexes are often seen as barometers for how the market is reacting to newsworthy events, so how are they behaving in light of heightened geopolitics and higher rates?

Exxon Buys More Of What The World Wants

Last week the Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their 2023 International Energy Outlook. It came out on Wednesday, the same day that Exxon Mobil (XOM) confirmed their acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD), and they’re linked in more ways than simply their announcement date.

Exxon Buys More Of What The World Wants

Last week the Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their 2023 International Energy Outlook. It came out on Wednesday, the same day that Exxon Mobil (XOM) confirmed their acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD), and they’re linked in more ways than simply their announcement date.

Volatility Zone: Joe Tigay Discusses Market Uncertainty and What to Watch This Week

"Don't follow the headlines...follow the trendlines, follow the chart lines, and they're going to tell you everything we need to know," says Joe Tigay of Equity Armor, who provides his insights on how investors should follow the markets in the wake of recent current events.

Volatility Zone: Joe Tigay Discusses Market Uncertainty and What to Watch This Week

"Don't follow the headlines...follow the trendlines, follow the chart lines, and they're going to tell you everything we need to know," says Joe Tigay of Equity Armor, who provides his insights on how investors should follow the markets in the wake of recent current events.

Look Out Below: September 2023 HANDLS Monthly Income Report

A stubbornly hot economy drove a large upward move in interest rates that took a bite out of the securities markets in September.

Just In Time Oil

Changes in US oil inventories sometimes cause a sharp move in the price of crude. It makes perfect sense, even if it’s hard to tease out much of a statistical relationship from the data.

Navigating Market Trends: Q3 Recap and Q4 Outlook

As we bid farewell to the third quarter of 2023, it’s time to reflect on the market’s performance and prepare for what lies ahead in the final stretch of the year.

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A Summer Surge: August 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

After a challenging July that saw investors sell off high-flying technology stocks, buyers returned to the market in August, bidding up risk assets across the board.

Where are the Hidden Risks in Your Portfolio Currently? Plus, an idea.

Allocators add new exposures for a variety of reasons; diversification, returns, risk mitigation, etc. Understanding this, what is the most over-owned and expensive sector today?

Consumer Spending: Are Consumers Tapped Out or Pushing Back?

Consumer Spending: Are Consumers Tapped Out or Pushing Back?  Key...

Knocked Down Inflation: July 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

After a red-hot June built on expectations that the Federal Reserve may succeed at killing inflation without killing the economy, July saw investors begin to question the soft-landing narrative.

Carry Traders Get Carried Out

It looks like a big margin call started in Japan. The Japanese Yen has become a funding currency in recent years, a source of cheap financing with the proceeds reinvested in better returning assets – such as US$ listed AI stocks.