
Siegel On Why Stocks Could Rise 30%

During a recent CNBC interview, Jeremy Siegel suggested stocks could rise another 30% before the boom ends. Just when it seems like “euphoria” can’t get much more “euphoric,” every bullish guest in the financial media attempts to “out bull” the previous.

Siegel On Why Stocks Could Rise 30%

During a recent CNBC interview, Jeremy Siegel suggested stocks could rise another 30% before the boom ends. Just when it seems like “euphoria” can’t get much more “euphoric,” every bullish guest in the financial media attempts to “out bull” the previous.

There Is No Way This Bull Market Doesn’t End Very Badly

There is no way this bull market doesn’t end very badly. We all know that is the reality of this liquidity-fueled market, but we keep investing for “Fear Of Missing Out.”

#Technically Speaking: Despite Correction, Investors Are Exuberant

Despite the recent correction in the markets, leading to a hedge fund imploding, investors remain exuberant. The hopes for more stimulus, government spending, and Fed liquidity displace fears of a correction.

Is the End of The Value Trade Near?

The end of the value trade may be near as investors push prices beyond economic growth expectations.

#MacroView: Could A “Transaction Tax” Be A Good Thing?

I recently discussed why “Free, Isn’t Really Free” regarding the retail investor. While “free trades” have certainly reduced the transaction costs, the selling of data to the highest bidder has likely cost investors more than they saved.

The Fed Has Forced Investors to Take on Excess Risk

Since the “Financial Crisis,” the hope was that inflating asset prices would trickle down into economic growth. Unfortunately, after a decade of monetary interventions and artificially suppressed interest rates, the wealth gap has exploded. More problematic is the Fed has forced investors to take on excess risk due to the lack of alternatives.

Convertible Bonds in a Portfolio: Equity Participation with Better Sharpe Ratio

The Pier 88 Investment Team is constructive on the convertible bond asset class given a historically high Sharpe ratio, competitive yield, positive correlation with interest rates, risk-reward profile, and a plethora of new issuances allowing for a diversified portfolio to express thematic views.


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A Summer Surge: August 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

After a challenging July that saw investors sell off high-flying technology stocks, buyers returned to the market in August, bidding up risk assets across the board.

Where are the Hidden Risks in Your Portfolio Currently? Plus, an idea.

Allocators add new exposures for a variety of reasons; diversification, returns, risk mitigation, etc. Understanding this, what is the most over-owned and expensive sector today?

Consumer Spending: Are Consumers Tapped Out or Pushing Back?

Consumer Spending: Are Consumers Tapped Out or Pushing Back?  Key...

Knocked Down Inflation: July 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

After a red-hot June built on expectations that the Federal Reserve may succeed at killing inflation without killing the economy, July saw investors begin to question the soft-landing narrative.

Carry Traders Get Carried Out

It looks like a big margin call started in Japan. The Japanese Yen has become a funding currency in recent years, a source of cheap financing with the proceeds reinvested in better returning assets – such as US$ listed AI stocks.