Catalyst Funds and Rational Funds Quarterly Outlook
Portfolio managers from across our network of sub-advisors provide their insights into the direction of the investment universe.
In this edition of the Catalyst Funds and Rational Funds Quarterly Outlook, portfolio managers from across our network of sub-advisors provide their insights into the direction of the investment universe. In addition to a macroeconomic overview, we also include their thoughts on equities, bonds, commodities, and a special section on currencies.
Our Outlook features insights from Leland Abrams of Wynkoop Financial, who manages the Catalyst Enhanced Income Fund (EIXIX), Charles Ashley of Catalyst/Rational, who manages a number of products including the Catalyst Systematic Alpha Fund (ATRFX), Eric Clark of Accuvest Global Advisors, manager of the Rational Dynamic Brands Fund (HSUTX), and Darren Kottle of Caddo Capital Management, manager of the Catalyst Income and Multi-Strategy Fund (ACXIX).