UPDATED – Case Study: Capitalizing on Stagflation

Capitalizing on Stagflation
A deep dive into stagflation and what it means for the financial market.

Stagflation, or recession-inflation, is an economic situation with high inflation, slowing gross domestic product (GDP) growth, and stubbornly high unemployment rates.

Even though the term “stagflation” remains an unconfirmed fear for investors as they try and draw parallels to the 1970s, that does not mean that opportunity does not exist. Rather, it is quite the opposite. A proper understanding of the intricacies of stagflation would indicate that gold, soft commodities, floating-rate bonds, short-term corporate bonds, and legacy non-agency RMBS remain the key asset classes that investors should seek to gain exposure to not only mitigate stagflation risk but to generate higher risk-adjusted returns as well.

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Hunter Frey, Analyst
Hunter Frey, Analyst
Hunter Frey is an Analyst at Catalyst Capital Advisors, LLC and Rational Advisors Inc. covering all in-house equity strategies and an insider buying income-oriented strategy at Catalyst Funds. Mr. Frey received a Bachelor of Science degree in International Business with a focus in Spanish from Gardner-Webb University, Godbold School of Business, and is in pursuit of a Master of Business Administration in Economics and Finance from New York University, Stern School of Business.

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