Stan Sokolowski, Senior Portfolio Manager

Stan Sokolowski is Managing Director, Senior Portfolio Manager and Deputy CIO at CIFC Investment Management LLC, a sub-advisor to Catalyst Funds. He is Senior Portfolio Manager of a floating rate income strategy at Catalyst Funds. Mr. Sokolowski has 28 years of credit, portfolio management, and trading experience. He is a lead portfolio manager and member of the CIFC’s Investment Committee. Mr. Sokolowski has a broad range of investment management skills and experience in private and public credit markets. He has invested and traded across the spectrum of credit, including high yield to investment grade as well as distressed and stressed credit, fixed and floating rate instruments, bonds, loans, CDS and index products. Mr. Sokolowski completed Chemical Bank’s MBA Capital Markets and Credit Training Program in 1994 and holds a B.A. in Finance from Michigan State University.

Who will Benefit from Negative Rates in the U.S.?

Once upon a time, it was inconceivable to contemplate the notion of negative interest rates in the U.S. It was laughable even.

Investing in an Inverted Yield Curve World

There is a $16 trillion pile of negative yielding debt around the world and global central banks are officially trying to out-dove each other as one after next slashes interest rates in a race to the bottom. Against this backdrop, what is an investor to do?!

Are credit investors being too anxious?

Credit investors are perhaps bearish by nature – always looking for threats. But even CIFC veteran Stan Sokolowski wonders whether investors are being overly pessimistic about the market.

Should investors be thinking about floating rate as an all-weather fixed income allocation?

Floating-Rate Bank Loans can potentially enhance a portfolio’s returns, while offering investors access to markets that are not contained in traditional fixed income investments.

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