Stan Sokolowski, Senior Portfolio Manager

Stan Sokolowski is Managing Director, Senior Portfolio Manager and Deputy CIO at CIFC Investment Management LLC, a sub-advisor to Catalyst Funds. He is Senior Portfolio Manager of a floating rate income strategy at Catalyst Funds. Mr. Sokolowski has 28 years of credit, portfolio management, and trading experience. He is a lead portfolio manager and member of the CIFC’s Investment Committee. Mr. Sokolowski has a broad range of investment management skills and experience in private and public credit markets. He has invested and traded across the spectrum of credit, including high yield to investment grade as well as distressed and stressed credit, fixed and floating rate instruments, bonds, loans, CDS and index products. Mr. Sokolowski completed Chemical Bank’s MBA Capital Markets and Credit Training Program in 1994 and holds a B.A. in Finance from Michigan State University.

The Case for Non-Traditional Fixed Income in Every Rate Environment

In this case study we will take a close look at the large, liquid and mature $1.2 trillion U.S. senior secured corporate loan market. In this study, we present our case for loans in every rate environment.

CIFC Releases New Whitepaper: How to Explain CLOs to your Clients

There has been much written recently concerning the topic of CLOs. Many of these writings are bearish with some even predicting financial Armageddon.

CIFC Releases New Whitepaper: How to Explain CLOs to your Clients

There has been much written recently concerning the topic of CLOs. Many of these writings are bearish with some even predicting financial Armageddon.

Credit Markets – What’s Priced In?

The headlines are still unnerving and volatility remains a worry. Many asset classes have yet to recover and countless investors fear additional losses. Fundamentals, investor positioning and sentiment are all conveying mixed signals.

Top Senior Secured Note Manager: Risk-Adjusted Returns are Key for Investors

Sentiment remains mixed as the last few weeks have brought concerns of economic damage. On the other hand, many markets have experienced a V-shaped recovery. Loan prices are now $10.04 off the lows after declining $20.46 from 2/21 to 3/23.

Credit Markets Expert Says Taking Advantage of Prices Today is a Risk Worth Taking

After several tumultuous weeks, global financial markets continue to be severely impacted by coronavirus contagion. In these unprecedented times, no one can say that they have lived through market conditions quite like the ones we are currently experiencing.

Credit Expert Discusses Coronavirus Impact and Investment Opportunities

This week has brought incredible single day moves in financial markets — the largest in a couple of years. The chief culprit is the...

Doomsayers Aside, Base Case for Credit Markets Looks Positive in 2020

The Armageddonists have cost many investors money over the years and we suspect 2019 was another example. As a good reminder for us all,...

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Where are the Hidden Risks in Your Portfolio Currently? Plus, an idea.

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Carry Traders Get Carried Out

It looks like a big margin call started in Japan. The Japanese Yen has become a funding currency in recent years, a source of cheap financing with the proceeds reinvested in better returning assets – such as US$ listed AI stocks.