Lance Roberts, Chief Investment Strategist, RIA Advisors

After having been in the investing world for more than 25 years from private banking and investment management to private and venture capital; Lance has pretty much “been there and done that” at one point or another. His common-sense approach, clear explanations and “real world” experience has appealed to audiences for over a decade. Lance is also the Chief Editor of the Real Investment Report, a weekly subscriber-based newsletter that is distributed nationwide. The newsletter covers economic, political and market topics as they relate to your money and life. He also writes the Real Investment Daily blog, which is read by thousands nationwide from individuals to professionals, and his opinions are frequently sought after by major media sources. Lance’s investment strategies and knowledge have been featured on CNBC, Fox Business News, Business News Network and Fox News. He has been quoted by a litany of publications from the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Washington Post all the way to His writings and research have also been featured on several of the nation’s biggest financial blog sites such as the Pragmatic Capitalist, Credit Write-downs, The Daily Beast, Zero Hedge and Seeking Alpha.

The Fed Has Inflated Another Asset Bubble

It didn’t take long. Over the last several years, we have discussed the risk of excessive monetary policy inflating a bubble in a variety of assets from debt, to real estate, to stocks.

Retail Sales Bounce, But Consumers Are Tapped Out

Despite the bounce in retail sales, there will still be no “V-shaped” recovery.

Retail Sales Bounce, But Consumers Are Tapped Out

Despite the bounce in retail sales, there will still be no “V-shaped” recovery.

The Bull is Back! Markets Charge as the Economy Lags

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the widely expected employment report for May. Despite continued weekly jobless claims over the last month exceeding more than 8 million, the BLS reported an increase of more than 2.5 million jobs in May.

The Most Important Economic Indicator Crashes Most on Record

Last week, the Bureau of economic analysis released revisions to the GDP report for the first quarter of 2020. It fell from a 2.3% annual real growth rate in the 4th quarter of 2019 to a -5% rate in the first.

Was March A Bear Market? Or, Just A Big Correction?

As noted last week, the markets remain stuck between the 50- and 200-dma. That remained the case this week once again, keeping any expansion of equity positioning on hold.

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Investing in Big Rivers is a No-Brainer, Common Sense Decision.

The discretionary sector struggled as did all growth and quality-oriented areas of the market in 2022. That was a classic re-set and a raging opportunity to add exposure.

The Next Potential Volatility Explosion: Oil

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The Future is Finally Here: September 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

The Institute for Supply Management’s monthly survey of purchasing managers came in below expectations for August, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report indicated that nonfarm payrolls expanded by only 142,000 jobs during the month (against expectations of 161,000 jobs).

Navigating the Rate Cut: A Guide for Advisors

Introduction The ongoing Federal Reserve cycle has sparked intense debate...

My 50-Cents – Fed Analysis from Leland Abrams of Wynkoop, LLC

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