Hunter Frey, Analyst

Hunter Frey is an Analyst at Catalyst Capital Advisors, LLC and Rational Advisors Inc. covering all in-house equity strategies and an insider buying income-oriented strategy at Catalyst Funds. Mr. Frey received a Bachelor of Science degree in International Business with a focus in Spanish from Gardner-Webb University, Godbold School of Business, and is in pursuit of a Master of Business Administration in Economics and Finance from New York University, Stern School of Business.

The Inflation Debate: A Macro Perspective on Finding Value in a Hazy Economy

The inflation debate rages on. Will inflation pick up amid vaccine rollouts, fiscal stimulus, accommodative monetary policy, and federal reserve quantitative easing (QE)?

Fixed Income’s Year Ahead 2021 – Short-Term Corporate Bonds & Legacy Non-Agency RMBS

As we start to decipher what 2021 entails, there are increasing variances to the dynamics experienced in 2020. The positively correlated economic recovery remains in focus as coronavirus vaccine roll outs and inoculations are set to rise throughout 2021.

Fixed Income’s Year Ahead 2021 – Short-Term Corporate Bonds & Legacy Non-Agency RMBS

As we start to decipher what 2021 entails, there are increasing variances to the dynamics experienced in 2020. The positively correlated economic recovery remains in focus as coronavirus vaccine roll outs and inoculations are set to rise throughout 2021.

Did the Short Squeeze Game “Stop”?

To put it lightly, the stock market this week was unforgettable. The “short interest” revolt traced back to the wallstreetbets thread on Reddit caused companies like GameStop, Nokia, AMC Entertainment, Naked Brands, and Blackberry shares to rise steeply.

Did the Short Squeeze Game “Stop”?

To put it lightly, the stock market this week was unforgettable. The “short interest” revolt traced back to the wallstreetbets thread on Reddit caused companies like GameStop, Nokia, AMC Entertainment, Naked Brands, and Blackberry shares to rise steeply.

Behavioral Economics: The Psychological Shifts Driving the Current Financial Ecosystem

Throughout 2020 and so far in 2021, consumers, investors, and politicians have attempted to navigate an unpredictable coronavirus pandemic, heated U.S. Presidential Election, and turbulent international relations. We saw in real-time the transformation of individual consumer decisions and the pre-pandemic status quos.

Behavioral Economics: The Psychological Shifts Driving the Current Financial Ecosystem

Throughout 2020 and so far in 2021, consumers, investors, and politicians have attempted to navigate an unpredictable coronavirus pandemic, heated U.S. Presidential Election, and turbulent international relations. We saw in real-time the transformation of individual consumer decisions and the pre-pandemic status quos.

Opportunities in Clean Energy Alternatives: The Accord of “Green Hydrogen” to Combat Climate Change

In retrospect, the year 2020 was riddled with market dislocation and uncertainty. However, 2020 was also a year of "fast-forwarding" and innovation. Industries, companies, and policies that would have otherwise taken years to become mainstream quickly became the center of economic, industry, and investment attention. One viewpoint that has emerged from 2020 and has started to show signs of potential in early 2021 is the idea of a "hydrogen economy" and a positive correlation toward reversing climate change.

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It looks like a big margin call started in Japan. The Japanese Yen has become a funding currency in recent years, a source of cheap financing with the proceeds reinvested in better returning assets – such as US$ listed AI stocks.