Navigating Market Uncertainty with Dollar Cost Averaging

Market Worries and Dollar Cost Averaging:

As the year began with grim predictions and market uncertainties, investors faced a tough choice: selling assets and holding onto cash or jumping into stocks. Fear of significant financial losses during turbulent times is entirely understandable. However, there’s a prudent and reliable investment strategy that can help our clients sail through these challenging waters: dollar cost averaging (DCA).

DCA Simplified:

Dollar cost averaging involves regularly investing a fixed amount in an asset, like a stock or mutual fund, regardless of its price fluctuations. This approach smooths out the overall investment cost, buying more shares when prices are low and fewer shares when prices are high.

A Practical Example:

Let’s break it down with an example. Say an investor decides to invest $100 per month in an S&P 500 index fund. If the fund’s share price is $100 at the first investment, the investor buys 1 share. But if the price falls to $50 per share the next month, the $100 investment buys 2 shares. Over time, this averages down the cost per share, even amidst market fluctuations.

Key Reasons for DCA:

  1. Mitigating Market Timing Risk: DCA frees investors from the pressure of timing market ups and downs accurately. Predicting market movements is tough, even for seasoned investors, making DCA an appealing alternative.
  2. Smoothing Investment Returns: Investing a lump sum exposes investors to market downturn risk. DCA helps by acquiring more shares during market lows and fewer shares during highs, reducing overall volatility in returns.

Navigating the Extremes:

During market troughs, it may seem best to jump in fully, but fear can be overwhelming, akin to diving into shark-infested waters. Conversely, market peaks can be alluring, but going all in at the peak may be equally hazardous.

The Power of DCA:

Dollar cost averaging effectively addresses these extremes. By gradually entering the market and spreading investments over time, clients can avoid heightened risks during downturns and maintain balance during peaks.

In Conclusion:

During market uncertainty and emotional stress, embracing the power of dollar cost averaging is a wise choice for our clients. This strategy reduces risk, fosters a disciplined approach to investing, and ensures a more robust financial journey in the long term. Let’s embrace the ripple effect of DCA and guide our clients towards informed and prudent investing.


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Joe Tigay, Portfolio Manager
Joe Tigay, Portfolio Manager
Joe Tigay is Managing Partner at Equity Armor Investments, sub-advisor to a volatility-hedged equity strategy at Rational Funds. Joe began his career in finance as an options market maker with Stutland Equities LLC. in 2005, working on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange and specializing in electronic market making. In 2008, Mr. Tigay became a member trader of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE). As a member trader, Joe was a very active market maker in both SPX and VIX options from 2008 to 2012. Discussing options, volatility, and market insight, Joe has appeared on Bloomberg, BNN, and has a regular segment on Joe graduated from Michigan State University with a B.A. in Economics. He currently holds licenses for Series 3, 56, 65.

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