Comparing This Year’s Corn Price Movement to the Past

We’ve been looking over the data from last month’s corn action. We weren’t very pleased with the tariff announcements coming 2 weeks ahead of the USDA report and wanted to see just how different price was this year compared to the past.

Corn 2014 2015* 2016 2017 2018
Price High 470.5 415 439.25 391.75 397
Price Low 422.5 346.75 355.75 356.25 338.75
# of Pts moved 48 68.25 83.5 35.5 58.25
High to low diff 10.20% 16.45% 19.01% 9.06% 14.67%
Days 21 12 17 16 13

The price drop averaged over 1% a day for 13 days sounded to be a lot, so we looked to see if that was unusual.  Turns out that the last 3 of 4 June’s have had price averages of 1% movement per day over short time periods (12 to 17 days).  If you take this year’s late May high to the low on June 19th, it’s a full 17.8% in 18 days –nearly 1% a day average loss for nearly a full trading month. One stand out item to note is that the price action in 2015 was from low to high instead of high to low which was seen in the past 4 of 5 years.  This clearly shows that once the top (or bottom) is in, a trader should have a good chance of a decent trend trade for a few weeks.   Watching Sentiment, the CoT data or even the Money Flow Indicator could help give indications of when the turn may come.

Corn 2014-2018  Averages June 2018 2018 Summary
June Price High 422.7 397 Lower high
June Price Low 364 338.75 Lower Low
# of points moved 58.7 58.25 Equivalent
% movement 13.88% 14.67% Wider move
# of days for move 15.8 13 Shorter Move

The post Comparing This Year’s Corn Price Movement to the Past appeared first on Catalyst Hedged Commodity Strategy Fund Blog.


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Kimberly Rios, CFA, CMT, Portfolio Manager
Kimberly Rios, CFA, CMT, Portfolio Manager
Kimberly Rios joined Catalyst Capital Advisors as a Portfolio Manager in 2014. She is currently a Portfolio Manager of an options-based commodity fund at Catalyst Funds. She carries the Series 3 license, the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Designation, the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation, and is a member of the National Futures Association. Ms. Rios has degrees in Economics and Finance from the University of Arizona.

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