Investment Strategy Insights

How to Hedge Interest Rates Using Mortgage Bonds

Agency mortgages are those that are explicitly or implicitly guaranteed by the government. There are three GSEs (Government Sponsored Entities); Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. GSE mortgages and bonds backed by those mortgages have no credit risk, but do have interest rate risk.

Is the End of The Value Trade Near?

The end of the value trade may be near as investors push prices beyond economic growth expectations.

Liquidity is a Coward, it’s Never Around When you Need it

A wise man once told me that liquidity is a coward, it’s never around when you really need it. It has stood me in good stead over the years. As an investor traversing the decades one tends to occasionally find oneself in a period of alluring illiquidity premiums or times were accessing “the new new thing” is so new that the related market is inherently illiquid or “the smartest guys in the room” have created a new ‘guaranteed moneymaker’ that can only be accessed (via special invitation and high fees) by a select ‘lucky’ few.

#MacroView: Could A “Transaction Tax” Be A Good Thing?

I recently discussed why “Free, Isn’t Really Free” regarding the retail investor. While “free trades” have certainly reduced the transaction costs, the selling of data to the highest bidder has likely cost investors more than they saved.

Nasdaq #TradeTalks: Income investing in 2021

HANDLS Indexes Co-Founder Matthew Patterson joined Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq #TradeTalks to discuss income investing and a vehicle designed for a predictable flow of income.

Nasdaq #TradeTalks: Income investing in 2021

HANDLS Indexes Co-Founder Matthew Patterson joined Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq #TradeTalks to discuss income investing and a vehicle designed for a predictable flow of income.

The Fed Has Forced Investors to Take on Excess Risk

Since the “Financial Crisis,” the hope was that inflating asset prices would trickle down into economic growth. Unfortunately, after a decade of monetary interventions and artificially suppressed interest rates, the wealth gap has exploded. More problematic is the Fed has forced investors to take on excess risk due to the lack of alternatives.

Convertible Bonds in a Portfolio: Equity Participation with Better Sharpe Ratio

The Pier 88 Investment Team is constructive on the convertible bond asset class given a historically high Sharpe ratio, competitive yield, positive correlation with interest rates, risk-reward profile, and a plethora of new issuances allowing for a diversified portfolio to express thematic views.


Don't miss

Navigating Tariff Tangles: January 2025 HANDLS Monthly Report

The recent shift in tariff policies has added a layer of complexity to the economic landscape, potentially influencing market sentiment and investment decisions.

Private Markets: The Largest Mega Trend in Financial Services

There are several powerful mega-trends happening around the world. One of these trends is happening in the financial services industry and is still a game in the early innings.

Income Shines: November 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

November proved to be a strong month for income-focused investments, with all sectors delivering positive returns despite market volatility.

Building a Winning Portfolio for Trump’s Second Term

Building a portfolio for a second Trump term means focusing on companies positioned to benefit from shifting regulatory priorities and trade dynamics.

David Miller on CNBC’s Market Navigator: Will Overheating Hurt Nvidia?

Will Mag 7 stock Nvidia beat estimates? David Miller, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Catalyst Funds, Rational Funds, and Strategy Shares, provided his insights to CNBC on Nov. 19 on why he believes the company will come out ahead this week despite potentially challenging headlines.