Commodity & Infrastructure Insights

The Great Reversal?

Last week the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) told state health officials to prepare for vaccine distribution as soon as November 1. “My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.” was first spoken by President Gerald Ford following Nixon’s resignation under threat of impeachment in 1974. But it could equally apply to Covid in 2020.

The Dow’s Odd Construction

Last week’s ejection of Exxon Mobil (XOM) from the Dow Jones Industrial Average looks like another indication of the declining relevance of energy stocks....

Stocks Are Still A Better Bet Than Bonds

In late April, a month after the low, we noted how stocks were cheap (see The Stock Market’s Heartless Optimism). The Equity Risk Premium...

Natural Gas Is November’s Winner

Oil production in the U.S. has fallen sharply as a result of Covid. Gasoline demand has recovered from its low point in April, but remains about 9% below normal.

Natural Gas Is November’s Winner

Oil production in the U.S. has fallen sharply as a result of Covid. Gasoline demand has recovered from its low point in April, but remains about 9% below normal.

Different Ways To Use Solar Power

As the world embraces more solar power, it turns out there are two competing visions – the traditional utility model of building solar farms...

Different Ways To Use Solar Power

As the world embraces more solar power, it turns out there are two competing visions – the traditional utility model of building solar farms...

Investing in Commodities: Seasonal Factors Make Active Management Necessary

This whitepaper provides trade examples using seasonal charts as guidance for positioning when taking seasonal factors into consideration. Long-only, indexing, and other passive commodity investing strategies may not address seasonal factors, treating investing in commodities as if they were equities, even though they are very di¬fferent.


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Investing in Big Rivers is a No-Brainer, Common Sense Decision.

The discretionary sector struggled as did all growth and quality-oriented areas of the market in 2022. That was a classic re-set and a raging opportunity to add exposure.

The Next Potential Volatility Explosion: Oil

Oil Shocks and Their Impact on the Stock Market:...

The Future is Finally Here: September 2024 HANDLS Monthly Report

The Institute for Supply Management’s monthly survey of purchasing managers came in below expectations for August, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report indicated that nonfarm payrolls expanded by only 142,000 jobs during the month (against expectations of 161,000 jobs).

Navigating the Rate Cut: A Guide for Advisors

Introduction The ongoing Federal Reserve cycle has sparked intense debate...

My 50-Cents – Fed Analysis from Leland Abrams of Wynkoop, LLC

The Federal Reserve Board cut their benchmark rate this...